Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good." - William Penn

I completely agree with this statement; however, the concept of it is altered for me because of my perception of what I believe to be good. Like many people would agree, I believe that "doing good" is helping others with or when out them having to ask you for help. It is fighting for good causes such as education for the underprivileged children in this world or fighting for world hunger and things that relate to that. All of those things are good things, but doing well during recreational time does not always have to be about others. This time can also be about doing good for yourself because when you are relaxed and calm your body is healthier.  Doing some of your favorite hobbies can also be considered as doing good because you are not doing bad by simply doing things you like. This helps you to relax and enjoy your recreational time. Other examples of doing well during your recreational time are helping your friends and family. Most people think that when it comes to helping others, it's about helping people who are in need. It is, but not all the time. Some people get so caught up in helping out the rest of the world that they forget about the people who surround them like their friends and family. Helping your loved ones and the people who you are closest to is a great way of doing well during your leisure time.

William Penn

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